Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
December 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!


Cards : Donated Decks

Below is the complete list of our donated decks. These decks are no longer subject for claiming and/or donation and are already on its way to being made. Make sure to check this list first before sending in a donation.

Category Features Set Donator Maker
Green Agave Plantae saya
White Apollo Butterflies Animalia Emelie
Green Auvergne Earth saya
Black Bats Animalia saya Aki
White Beluga Whales Animalia Kayori
Blue Bilberries Plantae Emelie
Black Blackberries Plantae saya
Pink Bougainvillea Plantae saya
Black Bowhead Whales Animalia Kayori
Yellow Bumblebees Animalia Emelie
Brown California Towhees Animalia Kayori
Red Cherries Plantae saya
Red Cranberries Plantae Gem
Pink Dahlias Plantae Mysti
Brown Dickcissels Animalia Kayori
Black Dik diks Animalia saya Aki
Pink Dragonfruit Plantae Mysti
Black Elephants Animalia Lina Aki
Orange Eurasian Bullfinches Animalia Emelie Aki
Orange Eurasian Eagle-Owls Animalia Emelie
Brown Eurasian Pygmy Owls Animalia Emelie
Brown Eurasian Red Squirrels Animalia Emelie
Black European Badgers Animalia Emelie
Brown European Hedgehogs Animalia Emelie
Orange European Robins Animalia Emelie
Black False Killer Whales Animalia Kayori
White Fancy Rats Animalia Emelie Aki
Black Fireflies Animalia saya
Blue Fish Schools Animalia Mysti
White Frostwork Sky and Weather saya Aki
Blue Frozen Lakes Earth saya
Pink Fuschias Plantae Gem Aki
Yellow Galapagos Land Iguanas Animalia april Aki
Black Glasswinged Butterflies Animalia Gem Aki
Green Gooseberries Plantae Emelie
Black Gray Foxes Animalia Kayori
Black Gray Whales Animalia Kayori
Orange Guinea Pigs Animalia Emelie Aki
Brown Haboob Sky and Weather saya
Blue Hail Sky and Weather saya Aki
Green Haworthia cooperi Plantae saya
Green Hazel Dormice Animalia Emelie
Brown Highland Cattle Animalia saya
Brown Hoary Foxes Animalia Kayori
Blue Indigo Buntings Animalia Emelie Aki
Green Ireland Earth Emelie Aki
Brown Island Foxes Animalia Kayori
Red Ixoras Plantae Mysti
Green Kiwifruit Plantae Gem
Orange Leafy Sea Dragons Animalia Gem
Black Long Finned Pilot Whales Animalia Kayori
White Long-tailed Tits Animalia Emelie Aki
Pink Lotuses Plantae Mysti
Green Mangroves Earth Mysti
Red Maple Trees Plantae Gem Aki
Cyan Marble Caves Earth saya
Green Mayon Volcano Earth Aki Aki
Yellow Meadow Buttercups Plantae Emelie
White Mont Blanc Earth saya
White Morning Glory Clouds Sky and Weather saya
Black Mynas Animalia Mysti
Blue Narwhals Animalia saya
Blue Neptune Space saya Aki
Green Oasis Earth saya Aki
Black Onyx Gems and Minerals saya Mio
Black Orcas Animalia saya
Brown Owls (General) Animalia Mysti
White Pampas Grass Plantae Gem Aki
Brown Pangolins Animalia Mio Mio
Green Peafowl Animalia Lina Aki
Orange Pembroke Welsh Corgis Animalia Emelie
Green Pigs Animalia Emelie Aki
Green Pitcher Plants Plantae Mysti Mio
Blue Pleiades Space saya saya
Red Poppies Plantae saya Aki
Orange Rainbow Lorikeets Animalia Emelie Aki
Red Raspberries Plantae Emelie
Red Red Currants Plantae Emelie
Blue Rivers Earth Mysti
White Salt Flats Earth saya Aki
Cyan San Blas Islands Earth Gem
Brown Sand Cats Animalia Emelie
Orange Sea Buckthorns Plantae Emelie
Blue Sea Otters Animalia Emelie saya
Orange Seashells Gems and Minerals Mysti Aki
Green Sheep Animalia Emelie Aki
White Shiba Inus Animalia Emelie Mio
Brown Sloths Animalia Gem
White Snow Leopards Animalia Emelie
White Snowy Owls Animalia Emelie
Brown Sparrows Animalia Mysti
Brown Stalactites Gems and Minerals Mysti
Yellow Sunbeams Sky and Weather saya
Black Swallows Animalia Mysti
Yellow Swallowtail Butterflies Animalia Mysti Mio
Brown Swedish Vallhund Animalia Emelie
Brown Termite Mounds Earth saya Aki
Yellow Thorny Devil Animalia Mio Mio
Brown Toads Animalia Emelie
Yellow Triton Space saya Aki
Blue Water Earth Mysti
Cyan Waterspout Sky and Weather saya
Blue Whirpools Earth saya
Red Wild Strawberries Plantae Emelie