Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
November 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!

Add a Comment (19)

A new week starts!
Members: Rheanna, Ria — Welcome to the TCG!
Masteries: Aki (begonias, lunamoths, summer, sunsets); andrea (redspiderlilies); april (glaciers, mountains, oceans, pears); Gem (amethyst, clouds); Kayori (fossils); Kupo (bengalfoxes, bettafish, moon, northernlights, orchidmantis); Lina (giantpandas, northernlights, whitetigers); Mio (hermitcrabs, lunamoths); Mysti (cherryblossoms, clouds, nicobarpigeons); saya (bismuth, clovers, grandopening, hibiscus, northernlights, summer); Zenit (jellyfish, northernlights, silver) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Gem (Root > Sprout); Kupo (Seedling > Lichen); saya (Lichen > Sapling) — Good job, congrats!

First of all, Yuuchin's cards has been reset for the new week!

So I am still puzzled as to why the double deck release from the weekly cron job is not working, with the way I'm intending it to do. I think I should add a limit from the SQL query, perhaps? Hmm...

Also, I'd like to apologize to everyone if the deck making process has been kind of slow this month! There's just a lot going on at the back of the screen so I can't get the time I need (especially that my little one no longer want to be kept inside his crib coz he finally mastered the walking skill, *confetti*). Only one have reached out to me for the deck maker hiring process so far. o/


We have some upcoming event cards, but those will be displayed on our next monthly update. My mind is currently in a bizarre state of updating my CV and online portfolio, so I can't think of any more updates for this week. ヘ(。□°)ヘ I will see you all in the flip-flop next Saturday, November 28th! Thank you and tata~! ♡(ŐωŐ人)


Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. Suza, Lina, Kayori, I wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!
  2. RamonaI wish for 6 choice pack from any deck!    Pull here
  3. DrewI wish for double deck release!    And everything multiplies~


Click here for your deck release pulls.

19 Comments to A new week starts!

  • Deck Release (2020-11-21): ducks03, ducks04, graywolves02, graywolves05, tuftedtitmice01, tuftedtitmice02, zebras01, zebras14
    Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): giantpandas09, giantpandas10, nebulae08, nebulae10, prejoin19, prejoin20

    Thank you!

  • - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): emperorpenguins09, emperorpenguins15, stars17, prejoin08, prejoin11, edelweiss05
    - Deck Release (2020-11-21): graywolves05, graywolves06, honeycombs05, honeycombs13, zebras01, zebras11, bluewhales02, cherryshrimp01

  • Deck Release (2020-11-21): bigsur04, bigsur07, tuftedtitmice16, tuftedtitmice07, cherryshrimp19, ducks16, graywolves11, bluewhales14
    - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): stars16, stars17, autumn04, autumn05, philippines01, blackcats06

  • - Deck Release (2020-11-21): graywolves08, graywolves18, honeycombs08, honeycombs18, bluewhales08, bluewhales18, bigsur08, bigsur18
    - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): gladiolus08, gladiolus09, grandopening10, grandopening19, tigers09, tigers15


  • -Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): horses17, goldfish11, goldfish15, arcticfoxes12, hummingbirds07, emperorpenguins20
    -Deck Release (2020-11-21): honeycombs16, honeycombs17, tuftedtitmice01, tuftedtitmice17, bigsur07, bigsur19, ducks02, ducks13


  • - Deck Release (2020-11-21): ducks02, ducks18, graywolves05, graywolves13, tuftedtitmice05, tuftedtitmice17, zebras05, zebras14
    - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): corals13, corals17, hermitcrabs09, hermitcrabs12, grandopening06, grandopening07

    Thank you!

  • Event Achievement: ec-november2020

  • - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): corals13, corals19, redfoxes14, redfoxes19, bigsur05, bigsur19
    - Donator Pull (2020-11-21): bigsur19
    - Deck Release (2020-11-21): bigsur03, bigsur15, honeycombs07, honeycombs19, bluewhales12, bluewhales20, graywolves01, graywolves16


  • - Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): rosequartz16, rosequartz18, nicobarpigeons10, nicobarpigeons11, blackcats11, blackcats14
    - Deck Release (2020-11-21): tuftedtitmice01, tuftedtitmice02, honeycombs01, honeycombs02, bigsur01, bigsur02, ducks03, ducks04
    - Maker Pull (2020-11-21): tuftedtitmice03, ducks05, bluewhales01, graywolves01, zebras01

    I hope everyone is having fun~! ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ

  • Wishes #40 (2020-11-21): emeralds07, emeralds09, gold05, gold12, lightning09, lightning13

    Deck Release (2020-11-21): ducks07, ducks13, graywolves18, graywolves20, bigsur06, bigsur19, honeycombs02, bluewhales07

    Thank you :)

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