Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
November 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!

Add a Comment (16)

Bloop bloop ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
Members: Caitlin, Zaber — Welcome to the TCG!
Masteries: Aki (harvestmice, nicobarpigeons, peacockspiders); april (crestedgeckos); Drew (arcticfoxes, goldfish, horses); Hotaru (nebulae, rubies, whitejapaneseraccoondogs); Kayori (butterflies, cinnabarmoths, clovers, plankton, rain, riversoca, saturn, sky, waterfalls, whalesharks); Kupo (cinnabarmoths, corals, fog, grandopening, hermitcrabs, lilyofthevalley, peonies); Lex (autumn, forests, gold, norwegianforestcats, rubies, stars); Lina (butterflies, fennecfoxes, hummingbirds, lightning, mountains, peacockspiders); Mio (alpacas, norwegianforestcats, oleanders, ragdolls); Mysti (autumn, bigsur, blackcats, philippines, stars, tuftedtitmice); Nicolie (amethyst, edelweiss, emperorpenguins, gardenias); Ramona (bettafish, brownbears, geysers, northernlights, summer); Ria (bengalfoxes); saya (butterflies, emeralds, grasses, koalas, koi); Suza (autumn, figs, glaciers, koalas, nebulae, olms, pears, whitetigers); Zenit (dunes, koi, lapislazuli, plankton, riversoca, rosymaplemoths) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Kayori (Lichen > Sapling); Lex, Lina, Suza (Seedling > Lichen) — Good job, congrats!
Referrals: Erica (x1) — Thank you for promoting Shizen TCG!

Because I'm a little lazy busy, I get Liffy to manage the weekly updates. Sometimes Liffy can be very playful... or mean, she mixes things up and around. So, if you see something wrong, just let me know via Discord, okay? Thank you! (*´▽`*)

Oh and by the way, since it's currently midnight where I live, I won't be able to edit this post to bring you a more decent update until later today. So please wait for me for further updates! I'll keep everyone posted on Discord once this placeholder has been edited.

Other than that, when there's nothing much to update for the TCG except for the usual quick updates, I no longer edit this placeholder text and leave it be. This means if this placeholder is still up until Monday PHT, then there will be no further updates! In that case, everything is still up-to-date where you can play the available games. Thank you! ♡(ŐωŐ人)


Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. AriadI wish for choice cards spelling GOLDENHOUR!    Pull here
  2. LexI wish for double game rewards from the Set B set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!
  3. Mysti and SuzaI wish for 8 choice pack from any deck!    Pull here


Click here for your deck release pulls.

16 Comments to Bloop bloop ヽ( ・∀・)ノ

  • - Deck Release (2020-12-05): obsidians05, obsidians13, nebelungcats05, halloween202012
    - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): fog05, fog07, lavender04, lavender10, oleanders06, rain02, orangeclownfish05, oleanders07, summer02, orangeclownfish08
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): fog09, lavender18, orangeclownfish14, orangeclownfish15, oleanders11, oleanders14, sky02, sky08

  • Deck Release (2020-12-05): halloween202001, halloween202015, nebelungcats01, nebelungcats04
    Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): giantpandas05, forests11, koalas05, grandopening06, nebulae05, grandopening07, amethyst18, forests12, nebulae07, earth06
    Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): snowflakes05, snowflakes06, sky03, sky04, seaturtles02, seaturtles03, saturn02, saturn04

    Thank you!

  • - Deck Release (2020-12-05): obsidians07, obsidians15, halloween202013, halloween202014
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): lava19, lava20, tuftedtitmice04, tuftedtitmice05, jellyfish05, jellyfish09, deserts09, deserts13
    - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): glaciers18, brownbears06, lightning17, tuftedtitmice07, tuftedtitmice16, brownbears07, jellyfish16, graywolves01, ducks02, graywolves07

  • Deck Release (2020-12-05): halloween202008, halloween202020, obsidians03, obsidians08
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): halloween202002, halloween202004, lakes02, lakes04, mars19, mars06, obsidians06, obsidians17
    Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): gladiolus15, halloween202016, halloween202006, islands04, lakes09, obsidians13, hibiscus02, rosequartz09, hibiscus06, rosequartz10

  • - Deck Release (2020-12-05): halloween202011, halloween202013, nebelungcats01, nebelungcats03
    - Donator Pull (2020-12-05): nebelungcats04
    - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): norwegianforestcats07, forests17, orangeclownfish07, oleanders01, brownbears01, nebelungcats05, orangeclownfish08, forests19, nebelungcats06, norwegianforestcats09
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): nebelungcats07, nebelungcats08, norwegianforestcats12, norwegianforestcats13, orangeclownfish09, orangeclownfish13, brownbears06, brownbears07

    Thank you!

  • Deck Release (2020-12-05): carrots14, halloween202004, nebelungcats18, obsidians14

    Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): emperorpenguins03, mountains08, barnowls02, deserts05, deserts07, barnowls06, sphynxcats01, rosequartz06, mountains09, harvestmice13

    Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): barnowls05, barnowls08, deserts11, deserts13, sphynxcats02, sphynxcats04, rosequartz18, rosequartz19

  • - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): giantpandas09, rainbow13, lightning07, giantpandas15, amethyst12, lightning08, amethyst15, rainbow14, lunamoths01, stars08
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): amethyst19, giantpandas16, giantpandas20, rainbow16, rainbow17, stars11, stars12, lightning01
    - Deck Release (2020-12-05): halloween202009, nebelungcats15, nebelungcats16, obsidians11

  • - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): giraffes01, peacockspiders02, leafcutterbees05, peacockspiders05, giraffes08, sphynxcats08, harvestmice07, whitejapaneseraccoondogs01, leafcutterbees09, harvestmice11
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): harvestmice14, harvestmice16, sphynxcats09, sphynxcats11, peacockspiders07, peacockspiders13, leafcutterbees11, leafcutterbees13
    - Deck Release (2020-12-05): carrots08, halloween202008, nebelungcats08, obsidians08

    Thank you!

  • - Deck Release (2020-12-05): carrots13, carrots19, nebelungcats12, obsidians20
    - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): arcticfoxes08, arcticfoxes16, bigsur04, bigsur06, peonies03, peonies19, stars03, stars19
    - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): spring03, arcticfoxes03, lightning20, islands19, whitetigers19, spring06, earth10, arcticfoxes05, bigsur02, bigsur16

    Thank you!

  • - Wishes #47 (2020-12-05): norwegianforestcats18, fog19, bettafish17, bettafish19, honeycombs15, honeycombs16, northernlights05, northernlights06
    - Wishes #45 (2020-12-05): fog09, fog13, bluewhales04, ducks04, honeycombs12, honeycombs14, bettafish16, norwegianforestcats16, ducks07, norwegianforestcats17
    - Deck Release (2020-12-05): halloween202009, halloween202002, nebelungcats12, obsidians05

    Thanks! 🦇✨

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