Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
November 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!

Add a Comment (20)

Lalaland Q_Q
Members: Lee, samantha — Welcome to the TCG!
Masteries: Emelie (polarbears); erin (rosequartz); Lina (barnowls, geysers, honeycombs, riversoca, rosymaplemoths); Mio (giraffes, olms, orangeclownfish); Mysti (caves, wulingyuan) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Emelie (Seed > Root) — Good job, congrats!
Referrals: Ashley (x1) — Thank you for promoting Shizen TCG!

Hello everyone, I'm really sorry that this week's update has to be delayed as my soul has been taken to lalaland these past few days especially the weekend!

Again, for this week, Yuuchin's cards has been reset for Week #11!
I have already announced this via Discord but will still post it here since some of our members are not on our server. I would like to take this opportunity to clear things up about our doubles exchange buddy because some are still confused about how it works and gets updated.

First of all, Yuuchin's cards update is not included in the automatic weekly update! The only things that the TCG automatically updates are the essential and default section of any TCG; which are the new members, deck releases, level ups, affiliates, referrals, games and the likes. So technically, Yuuchin is not one of those. Just because Shizen gives us the major weekly update at exactly 12:00 midnight doesn't mean Yuuchin gets it too—the bot is being updated manually! So unless I give the go signal via Discord, we must refrain from trading with it as soon as it's 12:00 midnight. (*´▽`*) I do hope we're all clear on this! If not, please don't hesitate to ask for more clarifications. I have already simplified Yuuchin's trading rules that you can find on its trade form too.

Another thing is I would really appreciate it if everyone DO READ whatever there is on this TCG: rules and guidelines, information, updates and such. It's really painful for an admin who puts a lot of effort to lay things out for their members where in fact some doesn't actually care about them and just plays. This is where the mistakes and errors starts. If there's some laziness about reading stuff, I'd appreciate it too if you ask me directly instead for more understanding. So please, kindly read. If you don't want to read, then simply ask. I don't bite, guys! Q_Q

Moving on, we'll be having another themed deck for this month, and that is the Valentines 2021! I have noticed that only 5 players have donated on our first two themed deck for this year. I'd like to encourage everyone to donate for those decks before its deadline on February 5th. You can donate for these themed decks by using the donation form from the themed deck page.


Another month, another event cards for everyone! After 200 decks event card, the interval will be every 100 decks. Enjoy~!

Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021


My soul is still in lalaland because I'm making this update at 3:00am. Who wakes up at 2:30 in the morning and think of a TCG's update? Q_Q My body clock is so wrecked, my night becomes day. LMAO. I will be seeing you guys next Saturday, February 6th! I'm sorry that I can't make the Valentine's event for this year too! There's just so many things going on IRL at the moment. But don't worry, I'll be giving gifts to everyone on February 13th! Thank you so much for your understanding, minna-san! Tata~! ♡(ŐωŐ人)


Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. GemI wish for choice cards spelling JANUARY!    Pull here
  2. AshleyI wish for choice cards spelling ENDOFYEAR!    Pull here
  3. Lina and GemI wish for choice cards spelling WINTER2020!    Pull here


Click here for your deck release pulls.

20 Comments to Lalaland Q_Q


  • - Deck Release (2021-01-30): fujiyama03, fujiyama04, orchids04, orchids15
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): halloween202005, tigers04, lunamoths17, tigers09, deserts19, mars06, mars12, hermitcrabs01, peaches12, hermitcrabs03
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): deadsea09, lunamoths11, deadsea19, lunamoths15, tuftedtitmice03, fujiyama02, deserts09, mars05, deserts16
    - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama01, ragdolls18, volcanoes19, lunamoths07, deadsea08, redspiderlilies19, graywolves04

  • - Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021
    - Deck Release (2021-01-30): orchids13, orchids14, fujiyama12, fujiyama13
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): sunflowers09, islands09, autumn11, autumn12, summer11, summer12, alpacas20, alpacas10, snow02, snow03
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): summer09, autumn10, bmbordercollies01, bmbordercollies02, sunflowers07, sky13, summer10, alpacas09, sunflowers08
    - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): whitejapaneseraccoondogs01, alpacas03, autumn05, autumn06, alpacas05, summer08, sky20

  • -Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021
    -Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama01, emeralds13, snowflakes01, sunsets01, giraffes12, emeralds16, sky09
    -Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): emeralds18, snowflakes04, obsidians20, riversoca13, giraffes13, sky10, giraffes16, volcanoes10, riversoca14
    -Deck Release (2021-01-30): fujiyama02, fujiyama03, jade03, jade16


  • - Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021

    whoops, forgot to add this

  • I'm still in lalaland LOL!

    - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama01, fairywrens06, lichens04, fujiyama02, nemophila05, bmbordercollies10, fairywrens10
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): lichens06, lichens08, bmbordercollies11, bmbordercollies16, figs16, fairywrens14, nemophila08, nemophila10, fairywrens16
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): brownbears03, nemophila11, fairywrens19, carrots04, fairywrens17, bmbordercollies18, bmbordercollies20, lichens09, lichens20, carrots05
    - Deck Release (2021-01-30): fujiyama03, fujiyama04, orchids01, orchids02
    - Maker Pull (2021-01-30): amazonrainforest01, fujiyama05, jade01, orchids03
    - Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021

  • Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021

    Deck Release (2021-01-30): amazonrainforest12, fujiyama15, orchids16, jade19

    Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama02, axolotls01, sunsets01, summer04, axolotls02, summer06, geysers01

    Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): summer10, sunsets04, tuftedtitmice01, axolotls03, tuftedtitmice17, geysers02, summer14, axolotls18, geysers10

    Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): brownbears03, tuftedtitmice08, sunsets05, axolotls07, summer17, summer20, axolotls12, sunsets10, geysers12, geysers04

  • - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): jellyfish02, peaches02, nicobarpigeons04, bluewhales01, peaches03, graywolves16, graywolves17
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): peaches04, pumpkins06, ducks01, nicobarpigeons05, jellyfish03, jellyfish05, peaches05, hermitcrabs12, hermitcrabs15
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): bluewhales03, pumpkins17, pumpkins19, virginiatigermoths10, peaches06, virginiatigermoths14, nicobarpigeons12, peaches07, nicobarpigeons20, bluewhales04
    - Deck Release (2021-01-30): jade08, jade18, orchids08, orchids18
    - Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021

  • - Deck Release (2021-01-30): amazonrainforest07, amazonrainforest17, fujiyama04, fujiyama19
    - Donator Pull (2021-01-30): amazonrainforest04
    - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama08, rain06, moon13, nebulae01, rain15, brownbears10, honeycombs17
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): brownbears03, rain05, hummingbirds03, brownbears15, amazonrainforest10, honeycombs08, nebulae11, rain13, hummingbirds11
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): brownbears04, rain07, rain16, amazonrainforest16, brownbears13, hummingbirds09, hummingbirds02, nebulae04, nebulae12, honeycombs06

    thanks! :)

  • - Deck Release (2021-01-30): fujiyama13, fujiyama14, jade02, jade20
    - Donator Pull (2021-01-30): fujiyama11

    - Wishes #60 (2021-01-30): fujiyama08, mars17, honeycombs13, bushvipers13, snowflakes17, mars19, honeycombs15
    - Wishes #61 (2021-01-30): harvestmice02, nemophila10, gladiolus11, wolves16, fujiyama06, fujiyama09, harvestmice16, mars11, mars12
    - Wishes #62 (2021-01-30): wolves12, harvestmice09, moon13, harvestmice10, nemophila06, turquoise02, gladiolus20, wolves02, fujiyama02, fujiyama01

    [EDIT: 210202]
    and adding these too, thank you o,,o

    Event Achievements: ec-50members, ec-150decks, ec-february2021, ec-valentines2021

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    Kindly please login to your account in able to post a comment on our updates. This is only for current members.