Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
December 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!

Add a Comment (12)

Happy 8th! (。>ω<)。
Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Ashley (bmbordercollies, corals, galaxies, lichens, mars, whitetigers, wulingyuan); erin (fog); Kayori (rosymaplemoths); Lex (cavalierkingcharlesspaniels, galaxies, glaciers, philippines); Lina (fairywrens); Mysti (molds, nemophila, rubies, sunrises); saya (alpacas, blackcats, caves, figs, galaxies, jellyfish, spiderwebs, turquoise, whalesharks); Zenit (alpacas, emperorpenguins, hermitcrabs, snowflakes) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Lex (Sapling > Bud); Mysti (Lichen > Sapling); Zenit (Bud > Flower) — Good job, congrats!

For this week, Yuuchin's cards has been reset for Week #18!

I'm still looking for deck makers if any of you are interested. But do keep in mind that I have high standards for decks, so unless I see a test deck that will only require 1-3 revisions upon checking, you may not get the position. It is best to send a test deck that has been corrected and evened out before sending them to me. ;)


Today, me and my husband is celebrating our 8th year anniversary as couples. Oh the time flies so fast! So for that, I'd like to share this love and happiness to every Shizen players. Every one can take a maximum of 4 cards per deck for the HAPPY8thANNIVERSARY freebie! — Pull here


I finally managed to make the March 2021 event card! Bah... also the milestones sent to our drop box has been made and handed out. Let me know if you miss any milestone.

Event achievement: ec-march2021


Not much of an update for this week, except that deck making for Shizen is getting slower and slower... (q_q);; Will try to make some decks this weekend, hopefully! That will be all for today, I will see you all next Saturday, March 27th! Thank you! ♡(ŐωŐ人)


Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. Aki, Mysti and SuzaI wish for 8 choice pack from any deck!    Pull here
  2. aprilI wish for 3 choice cards from any Blue decks!    Pull here
  3. Lex and NessaI wish for double game rewards from the Set B set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!


Click here for your deck release pulls.

12 Comments to Happy 8th! (。>ω<)。

  • - Deck Release (2021-03-20): sweden02, sweden10, mushrooms02, mushrooms14
    - Wishes #82 (2021-03-20): starfish01, starfish03, rain02
    - Wishes #81 (2021-03-20): classictabbycats10, classictabbycats13, halloween202018, halloween202019, valentines202104, valentines202105, sunflowers17, bengalfoxes04
    - Freebies #5 (2021-03-20): honeybees01, valentines202114, spring01, spring02, honeybees02, honeybees08, valentines202115, honeybees09, valentines202116, bengalfoxes05, bengalfoxes07, starfish04, harvestmice01, bengalfoxes08, starfish05, starfish06, starfish07, rain03, newyear202101
    - Event achievement: ec-march2021

  • - Wishes #81 (2021-03-20): northerncardinals10, northerncardinals17, comets11, comets16, heathers10, heathers14, pinkbeaches19, pinkbeaches20
    - Wishes #82 (2021-03-20): bluewhales11, bluewhales17, rain01
    - Freebies #5 (2021-03-20): heathers04, heathers05, pinkbeaches02, pinkbeaches10, sky17, pinkbeaches08, comets01, heathers12, waterlilies13, lionsmane04, lionsmane17, lionsmane20, virginiatigermoths19, comets02, heathers13, comets04, bluewhales20, waterlilies15, sky10
    - Deck Release (2021-03-20): geodes18, geodes20, viruses13, viruses14
    - Donator Pull (2021-03-20): viruses15
    - Event Achievement: ec-march2021

    thank you

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