Welcome to Shizen TCG, an everything nature mini TCG! Currently run and maintained by Aki, it was opened for prejoin on August 1, 2020 and officially opened on September 1, 2020. The TCG currently have 20 active members and 322 released decks. Interested? Come and join us!
November 2024

Weekly updates every Saturday GMT+8!

Add a Comment (17)

We are alive
Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Caitlin (amethyst, emeralds, koalas, pinkbeaches); Drew (bismuth, cheetahs, dunes, earth, galaxies, islands, jellyfish, mantis, moon, pumpkins, tigers); Emelie (butterflies); Gem (amethyst, arcticfoxes, barnowls, bettafish, blackcats, butterflies, cherryblossoms, clovers, fossils, goldfish, lapislazuli, milkyway, northernlights, orchidmantis, rainbow, redpandas, riversoca, silver, snowflakes, spring, stars, tigers); Hayley (galaxies); Kayori (bettafish, butterflies, croatia, emeralds, forests, jellyfish, stars, venus, venusflytraps, whitetigers); Kupo (amethyst, butterflies, clouds, croatia, dandelions, dunes, horses, lavender, rainbow, rosymaplemoths, rubybonnets, snowflakes); Lex (bwbordercollies, classictabbycats, cliffs, goldenbrushtailpossums, graywolves, quicksilver, spiderwebs, sugargliders, sunrises); Lina (bengalfoxes, blackcats, clovers, edelweiss, flyagarics, goldfish, honeybees, leafsheeps, mushrooms, nemophila, olives, opals, pinkbeaches, polarbears, quicksilver, tanzanites, winter); Nea (alpacas, cherryblossoms, strawberries); SalyaDarken (andeanfoxes); Shiranna (redfoxes); StephJ (earth, fujiyama); Whitney (blackcats, butterflies, clouds, clovers, forests, giraffes, milkyway, moon, nebulae, prejoin, pumpkins, rubies, seaturtles, snowflakes, stars, tigers, waterfalls, whitetigers) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Drew (Sapling > Bud); Gem (Flower > Fruit); Lina (Fruit > Ripe); Nea (Root > Sprout); Whitney (Lichen > Sapling); Caitlin, Whitney (Seedling > Lichen) — Good job, congrats!
Games: Weekly, Special, Set B

Hello everyone, Saya this time writing something here. I am sorry being late in day, almost missing the midnight, but it seems that for me the weekends are cursed already twice in row: both kids sick again.

I checked everything and seems it is working, if there is something amiss please do not hesitate to reach to us on discord! I may not be able to answer but I am sure Mio will be there if needed. Last weekend my first born was sick and the boy followed suit, this weekend the boy is sick and my girl is following him.

Have fun and play games! If you have questions do not hesitate to poke us about on discord!

Remember also this week is the last one when you can claim and donate 10 decks in place of 5!

Event Achievements

I forgot to add this, so here they!

Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

Closing Notes

This is all from Saya for today, I am sorry, not being much around, hoping RL gets solved fast ;)


Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. saya and KayoriI wish for 10 choice pack from any deck!    Pull here
  2. SunlitI wish for choice cards spelling VISITING!    Pull here


Click here for your deck release pulls.

17 Comments to We are alive

  • - Deck Release (2021-09-25): tui02, tui14, fruitbats03, fruitbats04
    - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): lilies18, lilies20, kelp07, kelp12, newyear202111, supernovae02, supernovae08, redspiderlilies17, sundews03, sundews15
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): supernovae11, lilies10, sundews17, lilies09, shameplant01, redspiderlilies12, sundews09, tardigrades13

  • - Deck Release (2021-09-25): mountainzebras01, mountainzebras20, blanfordsfoxes01, blanfordsfoxes20
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): venus01, gardenias06, dandelions07, milkyway03, succulents15, milkyway04, dandelions06, gardenias07
    - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): peonies17, gardenias09, gardenias17, milkyway11, milkyway13, dandelions04, dandelions05, galaxies05, galaxies07, pinklakes05
    - Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

  • Deck Release (2021-09-25): blanfordsfoxes12, fruitbats15, mountainzebras11, tui09

    Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

    Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): supernovae01, marguerites19, roses07, figs02, christmas202005, africanwilddogs03, africanwilddogs14, figs04

    Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): roses10, roses16, africanwilddogs18, africanwilddogs20, christmas202008, christmas202009, geodes04, geodes07, tornadoes06, figs19

  • Thank you~

    Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

    Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): wisteria12, wisteria13, giantpandas06, giantpandas08, redpandas02, redpandas05, tuftedtitmice04, tuftedtitmice05, harvestmice17, harvestmice18

    Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): harvestmice07, harvestmice11, giantpandas12, giantpandas18, acadianationalpark01, tuftedtitmice09, redpandas06, norwegianforestcats02

    Deck Release (2021-09-25): fruitbats19, tui07, blanfordsfoxes01, mountainzebras08

  • - Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks
    - Deck Release (2021-09-25): mountainzebras03, mountainzebras10, blanfordsfoxes01, fruitbats03
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): supernovae01, eurasierdogs01, oceans05, eurasierdogs06, sunsets15, milkyway13, northernlights15, northernlights20
    - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): eurasierdogs05, eurasierdogs19, milkyway07, milkyway08, northernlights06, northernlights07, oceans15, oceans20, sunsets05, sunsets09

    Thank you and I hope your kids feel better soon!

  • -Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): lava06, fossils04, emeralds19, fossils07, nebelungcats11, riversoca08, nebelungcats18, orangeclownfish15
    -Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): emeralds20, riversoca11, riversoca12, fossils12, fossils14, bluewhales17, bluewhales18, rosymaplemoths01, rosymaplemoths07, seaturtles04
    -Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

    Thank you!

  • - Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks
    - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): emperorpenguins11, emperorpenguins15, manedwolves06, manedwolves08, comets09, comets10, acorns06, acorns07, bluebells05, bluebells07
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): manedwolves05, strawberries04, strawberries11, emperorpenguins06, comets07, emperorpenguins07, acorns04, flyagarics04
    - Deck Release (2021-09-25): blanfordsfoxes15, fruitbats09, mountainzebras20, tui06

  • - Deck Release (2021-09-25): tui01, tui02, fruitbats01, mountainzebras01
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): wolves17, spiderwebs13, wolves18, spiderwebs14, catmint02, catmint04, newyear202112, kingfishers02
    - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): peaches07, peaches14, wolves10, wolves16, spiderwebs08, spiderwebs09, newyear202103, newyear202110, pearls06, pearls11
    - Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks


  • - Wishes #147 (2021-09-25): jade17, fjords08, fjords12, flamingoes10, flamingoes11, pearls01, pearls12, quicksilver13, quicksilver18, sun02
    - Wishes #148 (2021-09-25): quicksilver10, figs04, figs06, philippines17, pomegranates02, philippines18, pomegranates12, flamingoes13
    - Deck Release (2021-09-25): fruitbats04, fruitbats15, blanfordsfoxes04, mountainzebras14
    - Event achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

    thank you!

  • Event Achievements: ec-september2021, ec-autumn2021, ec-250decks

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